Tag Archives: amateur radio

Winter Field Day 2018

Want to try your hand at HF? How about working portable? Or maybe just hang out with some other hams and enjoy some fresh air. Winter Field Day is coming up January 27-28. Several ClayARES operators will be meeting at … Continue reading

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Hurricane Hermine Deployment Debrief Form

If you participated in the recent activation for Hurricane Hermine, please take a few minutes to complete the following form. This information will be invaluable to as we prepare ClayARES members for future deployments. BRAVO ZULU to everyone that helped … Continue reading

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Activation Level 2 – Tropical Storm Hermine

The Net Condition continues at Level 2 Partial Activation, we are in Directed Net Status on 146.925.. ################## As of 0800 AUG 31, 2016 ClayARES is operating under Emergency Operations Protocol Level 3 – Monitoring Activation. All ClayARES members are requested to tune … Continue reading

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Search & Rescue Operations – Hal Warth

2230EDT AUG 24 – ClayARES has secured from Net Level Con 3; Operations will resume at Net Level Con 3 no later than 0730 AUG 25 ++++ 2105EDT AUG 24 – The ClayARES Net has been set to Net Condition Level … Continue reading

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ARRL School Club Roundup Fall 2015 is Underway

The Pinewood Christian Academy Radio Club has already set a record for participants! Seven students were on the air making phone and PSK31 QSOs from New England to California, Puerto Rico to Scotland. That was just day one!

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