A lot of people have been having an issue sending Packet Peer-to-Peer (P2P) using WinLink. The main cause of this appears to be unfamiliarity with the software package (including yours truly).
When sending Packet P2P in WinLink, don’t forget to save the message as “Peer-to-Peer”. To do this, look for the pull-down menu in the top middle of the Message Screen, and select it, then Post to Outbox. You can save it in that format as well if you wish to send it later, or by using a timed connection.
When you run Packet P2P, the message will auto-send without any action on your part. It may take a while, but it will eventually disconnect.
WinLink has three separate message types in the drop-down list: WinLink Message, Radio Only Message, and Peer-to-Peer Message. WinLink naturally defaults to “WinLink Message” as its preferred type, so if you don’t change the selection, Peer-to-Peer will connect but not forward the message.
Thanks to Ray Cook, WD4SEN, for his sage advice.