It is that time of year again. Nominations for the position Board Member, Secretary are Treasurer are open. Please complete the form below to submit your nominations.
Hurricane season is in full effect and two systems, Laura and Marco, are active in the Atlantic tropics with US landfall expected within the week. Both HF and listen only options are available for those stations that would like to monitor amateur radio activity and provide assistance when necessary.
Maritime Mobile Service Net 14.300 ( Not specifically related to tropical weather, but 14.300 is an internationally recognized center of activity for nautical emergencies.
Hamshack Hotline (HH) is a FREE dedicated VoIP telecom service for the Ham Radio community. Typically, phones are established in ham shacks, EOCs, Clubs & club members, ARES, and other Ham related areas and functions. It is not the intention of HH to replace traffic carried over the radio in an emergency or other tactical operation, but rather to augment it, by offloading managerial tactical operations and providing a full-duplex path for such communications when the spectrum is occupied, conditions diminished, or otherwise unavailable. HH also supports FAXing of information (with appropriate equipment) which allows tactical offices to share documents & data between tactical locations. In a non-tactical use, HH is an effective resource for off-air troubleshooting when you need to coordinate a troubleshoot of a radio circuit off-air and between multiple SMEs. In addition to all this, conference bridges on the HH network allow large groups of Hams to coordinate & meet in real-time anywhere in the world.
Getting on board HH is easy! Once you have acquired a supported SIP capable phone (The Hamshack Hotline Network prefers to register hardware phones first), jump over to the HamChack Hotline site and open a ticket.
A private bridge has already been setup for ClayARES. Once your are setup with HamShack Hotline, email Scott Roberts, KK4ECR for details on adding the ClayARES Bridge to your phone.
The 2020 Hurricane season is here. For this hurricane season, we anticipate having to staff more shelters than in past hurricane seasons to ensure proper safety and social distancing.
Tuesday of the month at 7pm. Address
The Magnolia room
First Floor
Orange Park Hospital
2001 Kingsley Ave
Orange Park, FL 32073 Directions To Meeting