“Kids Day is Sunday, June 21! (Don’t be fooled — the incorrect date appears in the “ARRL Amateur Radio Calendar.”) Sponsored by the ARRL and The Boring (Oregon) Amateur Radio Club, Kids Day is a fantastic way to introduce young people to the magic of Amateur Radio by getting them on the air! Kids Day this month just happens to share the same date as Father’s Day. Participating with your child or grandchild would be a fabulous way to celebrate the special bond between generations. But no matter if you’re a mom, dad, grandparent, aunt, uncle, family friend, or neighbor, Kids Day is a great opportunity to open the doors of your station and let the youngsters take the “Big Chair.” Let them find stations they hear or work on a map, color in a map of states worked, or help them to build something.”
ClayARES Level
ClayARES / OPARC Repeater Status
Click here for current repeater statusMonthly Meetings
1st Tuesday of the month at 7pm.
The Magnolia room
First Floor
Orange Park Hospital
2001 Kingsley Ave
Orange Park, FL 32073
Directions To Meeting
Weekly Net
Time: Sunday @ 7:30PM
Primary 146.925 - 156.7
Secondary 146.670 - 127.3
Tertiary 147.225 + 156.7
Alternate Simplex: 146.505
Echolink: KI4UWC-R 465626