Category Archives: Activations

Hurricane Response Frequency Information and North Florida Section Operations Plan

Hurricane Watch Net 14.325/7.268 www.hwn.orgSATERN www.saternusa.orgMaritime Mobile Service Net 14.300 3950.0 (LSB) Northern Florida ARES Net (Secondary)7242.0 (LSB) N. Florida ARES Net (Primary)7225.0 (LSB) Central Gulf Coast Hurricane7235.0 (LSB) Central Gulf Coast Hurricane Net7251.0 (LSB) SouthCARS SARnet VoIP … Continue reading

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Hurricane Iota – Emergency Frequencies

In response to relief efforts following hurricane Iota’s landfall in the early morning hours of 17 NOV all amateur operators are requested to maintain clear frequencies on 7.180 MHz for Honduran emergency net operations (net control station – HR1JFA), and … Continue reading

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ClayARES Set to Level 3 – TS Eta

Update: KI4UWC secured from LEVEL 3 and returned to normal amateur use at 0900 12 NOV, 2020. The ClayARES 146.925 MHz repeater will assume LEVEL 3 Monitoring Status at 2200EST 11 NOV 2020 (0300Z 12 NOV 2020). There are no … Continue reading

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What is ARES really all about?

This is a very good representation of what ARES is about. It features our AEC, Joe Bassett, W1WCN. Click here to read the story, Amateur Radio is There When All Else Fails

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Shelter Deployment Manual Available for Download

The ClayARES Shelter Deployment Manual is now available for download. Please click the link below to download the manual. ClayARES Deployment Manual

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